Too many people in today’s world don’t get enough sleep. We just don’t want to miss out on anything and there are so many available distractions in the comfort of our own bedrooms, whether it be binge watching your new Netflix series, browsing your latest Facebook news, or reading your latest book. Yes, there’s nothing wrong with having hobbies such as these, but your body needs its rest. Ideally, you need to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night. In this blog from our mid-Missouri health clinics, you will find KEY reasons why you should really get the proper amount of sleep every night.
KEY Reasons Why You Need the Proper Amount of Sleep
Concentration and Productivity Can Improve
SLEEP is crucial for brain function! Your:
- Cognition
- Concentration
- Productivity
- Performace
…are all affected by sleep deprivation in a negative way. Good sleep has been known to improve problem-solving skills AND enhance memory performance of both children and adults.
Poor Sleep Can Make You Gain Weight
Trying to lose weight? Getting the proper amount of sleep is extremely important. The effect of sleep on weight gain is considered to be related to a number of factors including hormones and the motivation to want to exercise. Basically, people who experience short sleep duration can be associated with a major risk of weight gain and obesity. This goes for both children and adults.
Poor Sleep Can Lead to Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
Sleeping less than 7 hours per night can be linked to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. According to HealthLine, short sleepers were revealed to be at far greater risk or heart disease or stroke than those who sleep 7-8 hours of sleep per night during a review of 15 studies.
Poor Sleep Can Be Traced to Depression
Poor sleeping quality and sleeping disorders are strongly linked to mental health issues, such as depression. Poor sleep has even been known to be traced back to an increased risk of death by suicide. According to HealthLine, people with sleep disorders, such as insomnia or obstructive sleep apnea also report significantly higher rates of depression than those without.
Having Trouble Sleeping?
Central Ozark Medical Center chooses to help lead the way to healthier communities. Eating right, exercising regularly and getting the right amount of sleep have been known to be the pillars of GOOD health. If you are experiencing trouble sleeping, we urge to you to make an appointment at a local Lake of the Ozarks health clinic and see a health care professional before the problem gets worse. Our primary care providers see patients of all ages for a variety of illnesses, injuries, and ailments. We see patients with and without insurance and offer a sliding fee scale based on income and family size.
Central Ozarks Medical Center
Keeping Lack of Insurance From Being a Roadblock to Quality Healthcare
For Appointments Call
573.765.5141 — Richland
573.302.7490 — Osage Beach
573.346.4446 — Camdenton
573.317.9200 — Stone Castle
573.765.2510 — Dental
Serving Camdenton, Laclede, Pulaski, and Miller Counties