7 Ways Walking Is Good For Your Health

The science is undeniable – taking brief walks every day (even for only 30 minutes or so) offers numerous health advantages. In order to help you maintain a healthier lifestyle, Central Ozarks Medical Center has comprised a quick-hitter list of some of the important ways walking is good for your health. Pull out your favorite pair of walking shoes and head outside… you won’t want to miss out on any of these amazing benefits!

1. Increase Energy

You might be surprised to learn that walking is an excellent way to boost your energy levels naturally. Every cell in your body benefits from the increased circulation and oxygen supply generated by going on a brisk walk. Though it may sound counter-intuitive, try to get outside and get moving the next time you’re feeling drowsy.

2. Ward Off Dementia

Dementia affects thousands of aging adults in the United States. Characterized by increasing forgetfulness and loss of long-term memory, dementia can be a heartbreaking disease. Some studies have shown that seniors who walk a few miles per week are less likely to lose their memory as the years pass. It’s never too soon to start!

3. Improve Mental Health

Exercise is a powerful natural mood-booster. The endorphins released during exercise can help overcome feelings of stress and anxiety. In some situations, they can be just as effective as antidepressants. The next time you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a break and go for a brisk walk outside.

4. Tone Muscles

By giving them regular exercise, walking is a great way to tone the muscles in your calves, thighs, and rear. If you focus on maintaining a straight posture while you walk, you’ll also help tone your waist and abdominal muscles. Incorporating hills into your route will help you tone your muscles even more. (As an added bonus, keeping your legs toned will help prevent the appearance of varicose veins.)

5. Lose Weight

Walking is an excellent way to burn additional calories throughout the day, which helps boost your metabolism and makes it easier to lose weight. If you’ve been looking for an easy, low-impact way to up your activity level and potentially shed a few extra pounds, walking could be the perfect solution.

6. Strengthens The Heart

Getting regular cardio exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy heart. Cardio exercise – such as walking – helps reduce high blood pressure (which lowers the risk of a stroke). It also helps increase levels of good cholesterol and decrease levels of bad cholesterol.

7. Prevent Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes often occurs in adults who are overweight or obese. By helping you to maintain an active metabolism and a healthy weight, walking can be an excellent way to prevent (or reduce the symptoms of) type 2 diabetes.

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Here at Central Ozarks Medical Center, we make it our mission to help our patients be the healthiest versions of themselves. From prenatal care to senior care, we are proud to offer medical, dental, and behavioral care to patients of all ages. If you would like more information about our healthcare services in central Missouri, check us out online at www.CentralOzarks.org.

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