3 Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

We can all get stressed at work sometimes and that can absolutely affect your health. We can also get into bad habits such as eating poorly at our desks and not getting enough exercise each day. Our health clinics at the Lake of the Ozarks are here to give you a few tips for staying healthy at work. If you are feeling sick and are in need of a new doctor at the Lake of the Ozarks, consider Central Ozarks Medical Center. All of our phone numbers and locations can be found on our website at www.CentralOzarks.org.

3 Tips for Staying Healthy at Work

1. Be mindful of what you are eating for lunch at work.

While in the middle of a very busy workday, it can be so tempting to just have a pizza delivered or run to the nearest fast food restaurant for a quick bite, but you could just be looking for the most convenient option because you are in a rush. A nice healthy alternative to this could be to meal plan. At the beginning of each week, plan your meal for the week, you could make a delicious salad or a nice sandwich for yourself and have it ready to go for your work lunch versus eating something less healthy. This could end up saving you time and money and calories.

2. Check your posture throughout the day.

If you work at a desk all day, you could be straining your back and neck by leaning forward too much. Don’t be afraid to get up and walk around or do some light stretching throughout the day. This could end up saving you from having unwanted neck and back pain. Take care of yourself.

3. Manage your work-related stress in healthy ways.

Many people might say they “stress eat” and work can be that cause of said stress, but there are healthier ways of dealing with work-related stress, such as:

  • Go for a walk around the building.
  • Journal your negative feelings and vent in a healthy way.
  • Exercise on a regular basis throughout the week and enjoy the endorphins.
  • Schedule some “you time” each week whether you either take some time to read a good book, go to a spa, etc.

Need to Make An Appointment?

We understand that work can be stressful and at the end of the day your health is very important. If you are feeling sick and are in need of new Lake of the Ozarks doctor, check out Central Ozarks Medical Center. All of our phone numbers and locations can be found on our website at www.CentralOzarks.org. Our goal is to lead the way the healthier communities and we have several health clinics throughout the Lake of the Ozarks area.

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