Good Habits to Help Keep Your Family Healthy

Keeping your family healthy can be one of the biggest priorities and biggest challenges for a parent. At our health clinics in central Missouri, we are on your side when it comes to that goal. We think it is easier when everybody in the family can be on the same page, so we wanted to write a blog to give you some ideas for a few simple habits that you can help your family develop that will benefit their overall health. If you’d like some easy tips to help keep your family healthy, we think you will enjoy this blog!

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Get Outside and Play
The Lake of the Ozarks area is fortunate to have a multitude of city and state parks that are available to us. Each one is unique and offers a fun way to get some sunshine and fresh air, as well as some great exercise! Whether you like hiking, biking, golfing, etc., make it a habit to get outside and do it! You can have a great time, make some memories, and get some exercise along with all the health benefits that come with it.

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Drink Lots of Water
Water is extremely important for our good health, and most people don’t drink enough of it. But it is one simple thing you can do that can help in a huge way. Anytime you can substitute water for less healthy drinks like soda or sugary juice, that is excellent. You can even try making it a game or a competition with your family to get the recommended daily intake and see how well the whole family does!

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Talk About Health
Get in the habit of having regular conversations about health. Talk about healthy food choices, talk about things that help or hurt your health. Include your kids when it comes to making dinner, and discuss which foods have specific benefits for your body. The more the whole family is aware of what is good and bad for their health and why, the more empowered and motivated they may be to develop healthier habits.

Prioritize Sleep
Sleep is the time when your body rests and recovers from the stresses of the day. Not allowing your body that recovery time is very hard on your health. We know that life is demanding and that your workload can be really full. But, understanding and teaching your family the importance of sleep and making it a priority is one of the best habits you can instill for your family’s health.

Get your regular checkups!
Making sure everyone in the family has their regular checkups with your family doctor at Lake of the Ozarks is a great way to keep your family healthy! Your primary care provider in central Missouri is your partner in maintaining your health and that of your entire family. He or she will be able to provide preventative care and provide guidance and treatment for any health issues your family may have. If you do not have a primary care physician in the Lake of the Ozarks area, just call Central Ozarks Medical Center at 877-406-COMC (2662). You can find a list of all our providers at Our mid-Missouri health clinics are located in Richland, Camdenton, and Osage Beach. Be sure to follow us on social media using the links below to stay informed and receive more tips for keeping you and your family healthy!

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