Habits to Create a Healthier You in 2022 – part 1

As we enter a new year, many of us are thinking about developing some healthy new habits. At Central Ozarks Medical Center, we want to help you keep that momentum and turn those thoughts into actions and those actions into results! We are dedicated to improving the health of the communities we serve with access to quality primary health care in central Missouri. But we know people can overwhelm themselves by setting goals that are too high or too complicated. So, we wanted to help with 10 simple things that you can choose from to add to your daily routine that can aid you with your health-minded goals. If you could use a few hints on how to make this year a healthier one for you, keep reading this blog! We think you’ll find it very helpful.

1) Walking/Exercising

This is a goal we hear every year, but it doesn’t always work out. We encourage you to be realistic and set a goal that is reachable. Once you are consistent with that, increase the length or frequency of your exercise plan. But even just a little bit of movement on a regular basis can do your body and mind a lot of good! Just try to avoid developing an all-or-nothing attitude, it can set you up for failure.

Mom and young daughter stretching and exercising together at home

2) Mindful Breathing

You would be surprised how much of a difference it makes to do a breathing exercise each day. It can be as simple as just mindful breathing, focusing on your breath as you breathe in, filling your lungs and opening your diaphragm, then exhaling and ringing out your lungs completely. There are numerous examples of breathing exercises to choose from. If you are not sure, just ask your primary care physician or behavioral health care provider.

3) Getting Outdoors

It is highly recommended to get at least 20 minutes of outdoor time per day. It will help you get your vitamin D intake from the sun and can help you get your blood circulating and burn some calories. It can also be very therapeutic to spend time outdoors and connect with nature. Again, the physical and mental effects are powerfully positive. So, plan for that playtime. It’s more important than you may think.

Mom, Dad, and two kids walking along lakeside with tent pitched in the background.

4) Raw and Whole Foods, Lean Protein

People have great intentions when they plan to go on a diet as a New Year’s resolution, but too often it backfires. Eating needs to be a way of life, not a restrictive diet. Sometimes just changing your perspective and making a few changes can be more effective in the long run than going on a severe diet. If you can focus on eating at least a serving or two of raw fruits and vegetables every day, choosing whole foods rather than processed foods whenever possible, and opting for lean protein, you can fuel your body with nutrition and avoid a lot of the toxins that our bodies struggle to process. 

5) Enjoy your hobbies

Our mindset on life affects virtually everything we do. If we feel like all we do is work, and everything is a grind, it is obviously harder to stay hopeful and keep pushing towards our goals. That is why allowing yourself time to focus on your hobbies can help all of your life goals. When you have something that you look forward to, that drives you, that fuels you and makes you feel fulfilled, that can spread over into other aspects of your life and may make you feel more enthusiasm for life in general and be inspired to make it the best it can be.

Working Towards a Healthier You in 2022!

These are just the first five tips in our two-part blog, we will continue with more next week. As you may have noticed, we are not just focused on your physical health, but your mental health as well.  The two go hand-in-hand. Our doctors and nurse practitioners in Osage Beach, Camdenton, and Richland are there to help you as well as our mid-Missouri behavioral health care specialists.  You have a team that is on your side to help you through every step of the way.  Remember not to overwhelm yourself, and give yourself credit for the progress you are making.  You will meet your goal one step at a time, not overnight.  We hope you enjoy these tips and find them helpful in working towards your goal of a healthier you in 2022. For more tips and information on health care in mid-Missouri, be sure to follow us on our social media channels using the links below.

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