Habits to Create a Healthier You in 2022 – part 2

We hope you enjoyed last week’s blog, part one of Habits to Create a Healthier You in 2022! At Central Ozarks Medical Center, we know this is the time of year when people start thinking about their health goals more, and we want to be an asset to you as you are focusing on reaching those goals. So we will continue this week by talking about five more simple steps you can take to create a healthier you in 2022. If you could use some great ideas on some easy ways for staying healthy in the coming year, just keep reading!

1) Prioritize Sleep.

It is strange how people can feel bad about sleeping or taking naps when we know that is how our body recharges. We don’t feel bad about charging our cell phones, do we? In fact, we think it is the responsible thing to do. It is the same with your body. It can’t be fully energized and ready to work for you if you don’t take adequate time to recharge yourself with good quality sleep.

2) Preventative Care

We support anyone who makes it a goal to follow up on preventative care as recommended. It is well accepted that prevention is better than a cure, and early detection leads to early treatment and better outcomes. People have many reasons for putting off preventative care screenings, but it is our goal at all our mid-Missouri health clinics to make preventative care easy and accessible. Because we know just how important it is. So don’t neglect to get your wellness exams this year, you are worth it!

3) Watch What You Watch

With so many upsetting and controversial things that we are exposed to each and every day, it is imperative to be self-responsible and watch what you allow yourself to watch. Turn off the TV, limit your time spent using social media, and be aware when what you’re watching is starting to affect your entire mood. If we don’t pay attention, we can find ourselves stressed out for days at a time, and not even realize why. By regulating the quality of content you take in each day, you can have more control over your internal mood and outlook, and hopefully avoid feelings of anxiety that can be triggered by the news.

4) Hydrate

We could probably write an entire blog on the importance and benefits of drinking plenty of water. We hear it all the time, but not all of us accomplish getting our daily recommended amount of water. To start your year off right, the more you have a mindset to avoid sugary drinks and substitute water instead, you will be leaps and bounds ahead. Another helpful tip is to set a specific goal. Don’t just tell yourself to drink more water. Make a commitment to drink a certain number of ounces every day. Make it specific, and achievable, and you are more likely to stick to it. In general, a good goal is to try to drink between half an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every single day.

5) Focus on Others

Whether you have serious struggles and challenges right now in life, or whether things are going well. Focusing on helping others can have deep effects on how you look at life. For most of us, it makes us think about our own worries less and uplifts us to have hope enough to inspire others.

We Are Here For You at COMC!

We hope you found these tips helpful, and that a few of them stand out as doable habits to include in your daily routine this year. We know that healthcare is a team effort between you and your healthcare providers, and we want you to know that we’re here for you. For all your health, dental, and behavioral health needs, Central Ozarks Medical Center is dedicated to making sure you have access to quality healthcare, regardless of insurance status. If you are in need of a dentist in central Missouri, A primary care physician in the Lake of the Ozarks area, or mental health therapist in mid-Missouri, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! If you would like to stay informed of our latest tips and helpful hints, we invite you to follow us on social media using the links below.

Central Ozarks Medical Center

Keeping Lack of Insurance From Being a Roadblock to Quality Healthcare

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Serving Camden, Laclede, Pulaski, and Miller Counties. Coming soon to serve Morgan County.