Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing to Start a Diet

It’s swimsuit season and you are extremely motivated to lose weight, but how will you go about it? There are healthy ways to diet and then there are also unhealthy ways to diet. Central Ozarks Medical Center is here to give you a few questions to ask yourself when choosing to start a diet. If you are looking for a new health clinic at the Lake of the Ozarks for your health-related needs, call Central Ozarks Medical Center.

Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing to Start a Diet

What has been known to ruin your diets in the past?

Learn from your past mistakes. For example, if you know you have little to no willpower when it comes to doughnuts, but your child loves doughnuts – try suggesting something with fewer calories that could also satisfy a sweet tooth, like a yogurt parfait.

How will you be able to fit this diet into your current daily routine, is it realistic?

Let’s say you work more than 60 hours a week, but the diet you want to do requires a lot of cooking and meal planning. Will you really be able to keep up with that with your busy work schedule? If your answer is no, don’t give up on losing weight, just find a new path.

Is this going to be a temporary diet or a lifelong change?

Will you be able to keep this sort of healthy eating up forever? When you choose a diet, choose something that fits into your life. You could lose weight in the beginning, but if you choose a diet that doesn’t fit into your life and you only stick to it temporarily – there’s a chance that you could gain all of that weight you lost back and more.

Do the foods you plan to eat on this diet sound good to you?

If they sound gross, then the odds are you won’t stick to this diet. Save yourself the money and find a diet that doesn’t make you want to gag.

Are you prepared for the possible negative feedback you will get from others?

If this isn’t your first diet, there’s a chance your peers may react negatively and say things like, “Are you really trying to diet again? You know you aren’t going to stick to it.” Stay positive, you may not be able to control what other people say around you, but you can control how it makes you feel. Stay strong and believe in yourself.

Be Healthy with Central Ozarks Medical Center

We aim to lead the way to healthier communities and we believe that having a low income should not mean low or no quality of health care for you and your family. Beyond having excellent, Board Certified Providers, several recent studies have found that patients who regularly use community health centers, like Central Ozarks Medical Center, have lower total annual healthcare costs when compared to patients who use other primary care providers, such as HMOs, hospital outpatient units or private physicians. If you are interested in trying a new health clinic, give one of the Central Ozarks Medical Center clinics a call. Our phone numbers are listed below.

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