If you’re like most people, your to-do list gets a little bit longer during the holiday season. Between shopping, running errands, planning meals, visiting loved ones, attending parties, etc., it’s enough to keep a person even busier than usual. It can become a lot to balance our list of things to do with taking care of our health. But our busy schedule is all the more reason to prioritize our health because the holiday season brings its own unique challenges to it. That is why it helps to use a few healthy habits to get yourself through the holiday season in good shape. We have 10 tips for you in our two-part blog of easy things you can do to help keep yourself and your family healthier this holiday season.
1) Wash Your Hands
‘Tis the season for catching the flu, so use hand sanitizer regularly and make a habit of washing your hands. It’s good for you and everyone around you!

2) Drink Responsibly
If you plan to drink alcohol as part of your holiday celebrations, remember to do so responsibly. Drinking alcohol in excess can be hard on your immune system, so moderation is the key.
3) Manage Stress
There are a lot of demands on our schedule during the holidays. As you put your heart into taking care of everyone else’s needs, don’t forget to take some time for yourself. Having a little me-time or scheduling small breaks so that you can destress can be very beneficial. Sometimes it can be helpful to just to mentally accept that everything doesn’t have to be perfect in order to celebrate the holidays.

4) Exercise
At this busy time of the year, it may seem impossible to get your regular amount of exercise. But every little bit helps. Doing simple stretches or lunges or squats during your breaks at the office, or going for a walk after your holiday meal, are ways to build in a little bit of exercise during the season in is doable way. If you set your mind to look for opportunities, you might be surprised how much activity you can get in even if it’s in small spurts at a time.
5) Buddy Up
Create a mutual support system by finding a buddy who also wants to focus on staying healthy through the holidays can help, too. By checking in with each other, encouraging each other, and even hold each other accountable, it can be a lot easier and more fun to focus on these goals together.

Every Little Bit Helps!
Sometimes just being aware can make a difference in our habits. But, if you so happened to wear yourself down and get under the weather, remember we have Telemedicine visits available through our health clinics in Missouri. If you are looking for a primary care doctor in central Missouri, we have outstanding healthcare providers in the Lake of the Ozarks area who are able to care for you and your family, as well. We invite you stay in touch with Central Ozarks Medical Center by following us on social media using the links below, and we hope you have a happy and healthy holiday season.
Follow along with our blogs to get more health and lifestyle pointers to keep you out of our office more than once a year!
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