Your Trusted Resource for Women’s Health

Women’s bodies undergo numerous changes throughout their lives. Puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and menopause are just a few examples of the monumental processes women go through. Finding a trusted women’s healthcare provider to assist you throughout these various stages is an important component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Central Ozarks Medical Center is proud to offer women the resources they need to live long, healthy lives.

General Wellness

Women’s bodies are beautifully and intricately designed. In order to maintain optimum health, countless different factors must function together harmoniously and cohesively. We offer a variety of different general wellness services to keep your body functioning at optimum health, including:

  • Pap tests
  • Pelvic exams
  • STI and STD tests
  • Immunizations
  • Breast exams
  • Mammograms
  • Birth control


Reproductive, abdominal, and vaginal health is closely linked to overall physical health. We are here to help you with the multiple health conditions you may face throughout your life. As a few examples, we have experiencing helping women with infertility, urinary incontinence, organ prolapse, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, abnormal pap smears, and menopause.


Few biological processes are as life-changing as pregnancy. Even the healthiest pregnancies can be taxing. The body undergoes countless changes as it supports the new life growing inside, and most women understandably have countless questions about the process. When you come to us for obstetric care at the Lake of the Ozarks, we promise to be right by your side throughout every step of the process from pregnancy confirmation to your postpartum check-up. Our ultimate goal is to promote your continued good health so that we can work together towards the delivery of a healthy newborn.

Our Women’s Health Providers

Our primary women’s health providers are Dr. Sarah M. Buchanan, MD and Dr. Robert Nielsen, DO. Collectively, they have almost forty years of experience working in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

Dr. Buchanan specializes in high risk pregnancies, menopause, adolescent care, and pelvic surgery. She also holds a particular interest in bioidentical hormone therapy, alternative medicine, and acupuncture.

Contact Central Ozarks Medical Center To Schedule Your Appointment

At Central Ozarks Medical Center, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality and affordable women’s health services in Mid-Missouri. If you would like to learn more about our women’s health services or schedule your private consultation with Dr. Buchanan or Dr. Nielsen, we encourage you to call our Osage Beach location at 573-302-7490.

For more information about our healthcare services at the Lake of the Ozarks, visit our website at

Central Ozarks Medical Center

Keeping Lack of Insurance From Being a Roadblock to Quality Healthcare

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573.765.5141 — Richland

573.302.7490 — Osage Beach

573.346.4446 — Camdenton

573.317.9200 — Stone Castle

573.765.2510 — Dental

Serving Camdenton, Laclede, Pulaski, and Miller Counties